Client Testimonials

Participants Quotes

Assiniboine Community College:
The education of all Canadians is essential for going forward… history, relevance for today’s world.”

Morden Collegiate Institute:
I enjoyed how he explained everything with detail that was easy to understand and follow.”

Manitoba Department of Justice – Corrections:
I enjoyed all parts of the presentation and understand the importance of Treaties and what they mean to all citizens of this country. Great presentation.”

MTS Allstream:
I was impressed with the presentation. Good information on the how/when/why of Treaties and their development.”

Winnipeg City Police Services:
Excellent presenter, made everything relevant… the history chart and (life) examples really helped me better understand what really happened.”

Health Canada:
Timeline poster was very helpful to grasp the scale of the situation. Allen was very well spoken and prepared.”

Miskobiik Training Centre Inc:
WOW!!! Awesome story and teaching. You are a relaxed gentleman. I am happy to observed your work.”

Tribal Wi-Chi-Way-Win Capital Corporation:
Very uplifting and it feeds into everything that I have been working on ‘Personal Growth and Self Awareness’… his story challenged me to look at myself and how to deal with situations. Thank you!”

University of Manitoba, Faculty of Social Work:
Allen is not only engaging & dynamic in presentation, he is knowledgeable & truthful and shares his experiential knowledge which is the most valuable of teaching tools.”

William Whyte School, 2nd Graders:

“Boozhoo, Dear White Spotted Horse. Miigwetch for sharing about the land and Miigwetch for sharing how the Turtle discovered his shell. Miigwetch.” Love Patsy.

“Dear Uncle. I did not know that we live on Turtle Island. I like the story and I like you to let us hold the rock turtle. Miigwetch.” Jordon

“Awakening Dawn – Understanding Our Stories” Conference:

  • “Our history through a wonderful presenter”
  • “To lead a healthy “spiritual” lifestyle , you need to learn about your own history too”
  • “7 sacred laws, 7 teachings, by moving forward is only going to make our communities healthier and work together and not against each other”
  • “The relationship between life and the essential skills which are used constantly day to day.  The important of the past and the strength we have when we stand together”
  • “Additional tools on helping myself and my people ie:  different approaches to medicine wheel teachings; diverse perspectives to a way of life that I grew up with – 7 natural ways of healing”


  • “All that I learned.  Allan-excellent.  Speaker-giver of truth without feeling an anger or blame, but I do feel his goal of “moving forward”  is being conveyed and passed on to his audience”
  • “Made the learning fun and engaging and informative”
  • “The teachings and information, the sharing stick, the history map, everything.  I really enjoyed it and want to share this with my community and my family”
  • “Interesting and engaging.  Awesome speaker.  Allan knows his stuff”
  • “Allan Sutherland was a very knowledgeable instructor but most important, very humorous and open minded.  He kept me interested all day”
  • “The stories I heard today were valuable and excellent refreshers.  I wish our kids could be more exposed to those teachings on a regular basis.  Very good speaker”
  • “Everything about the presenter, delivery, teachings, courtesy, respect, honesty”
  • “I enjoyed learning about the treaties and seeing Allen speak. Excellent role model.”

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