Welcome to WhiteSpottedHorse.com


       Boozhoo niiji, bindigin!

       (Hello friend, come in!)


“99% of Canadians do not know
      the Indigenous peoples history,

      90% of Indigenous peoples
     do not know their own history. We need to change that.”

                ~ Waabiskhi Mazinishin Mishtadim, Anishinaabe


The first—and most important—step towards understanding the Canadian Indigenous history is to recognize that Indigenous people are strong people. In spite of the severity of the many issues that individuals, families and communities face, Indigenous peoples are demonstrating their resiliency and remergence to equal standing within the Canadian society.

The shared history between Indigenous peoples and European settlers is one of cultural disruption and missed opportunities. Generations of Indigenous peoples experienced profound, unsought and irreversible changes in their cultural and family life as a result of colonization. Many Indigenous people are working to change the cycles of abuse, the social and economic disruption, the loss of languages and the assimilation and lost of their cultures and identity.

Indigenous people are building bridges of reconciliation and working to create educational communities where their children are respected and their cultures are reflected and appreciated in Canadian society. They are rebuilding their Indigenous cultures and hope to right the relations of the past. However, many challenges still exist today. Education is a key to this positive change.


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