
Canadian Indigenous Historical Timeline Poster©


“The whites told only one side. Told it to please themselves. Told much that is not true. Only his own best deeds, only the worst deeds of the Indians, has the white man told.”

–       Yellow Wolf, Nez Perce, c 1877


Our people are beautiful, proud, strong, and resilient. We honour our ancestors by surviving. Now we have to honour our future generations by thriving. Our children carry our ancestors in their hearts and minds. They carry the strength, honour and passion of our ancestors in their blood. Our generation must find a way, despite all the barriers in our way, to love, support and nurture our children so that we can rise up and take back our sovereignty, our honour, and our future.”

–  Pamela Palmater,  Mi’ kmaq,  c 2012


Copyright 2008 – 2014  All Rights Reserved
“Before the discovery of North America by European explorers, First Nation peoples had an entire continent to themselves. They each had their own cultures and traditions, were self-sustaining societies with complex social economic and political structures which ranged from nomadic lifestyles, such as the plains peoples, who followed the buffalo, to settled farmers such as the Iroquois. The arrival of the white man would eventually change everything, and fundamentally affect the Indigenous people’s relationship with the land and its resources.”

“It is my hope that The Canadian Indigenous Historical Timeline Poster will make contributions to the building of a better society for everyone by putting the myths and realities about Indigenous Peoples of Canada back into some sort of proper perspective. This tool that I have developed finally allow us to discover the other story – the First Nations story. An Eagle view story of Canada. It is an essential one if we are all to understand our common story of Kanata.” – White Spotted Horse

Shown in photo:
Canadian Indigenous Timeline Poster – Board Room size – Large (10 ft. x 2 ft. 5 in.)


***BONUS*** For purchasing a Canadian Indigenous Historical Timeline Poster, you will also receive by email a word document on Canadian Indigenous History (127 pages). For purchasing The Red River de Metis History Poster, you will receive by email a word document on the Metis history (70 pages). A great bargain!

The Canadian Indigenous Historical Timeline Poster© (including Indigenous History document)

The Canadian Indigenous Historical Timeline Poster is available in three sizes:
Large (Board Room size) – 10 ft x 2 ft 5 in – $225.00 CAD
Medium – 5 ft x 1 ft 2 in – $70.00 CAD
Small – 3 ft 4 in x 8 in- $30.00 CAD


The Red River de Metis Historical Timeline Poster© (including Metis History document)

The Red River de Metis History Poster is available in three sizes:
Large (Board Room size) – 10 ft x 2 ft 5 in – $225.00 CAD
Medium – 5 ft x 1 ft 2 in – $70.00 CAD
Small – 3 ft 4 in x 8 in- $30.00 CAD

Personal Empowerment Hoop Teaching poster (Very popular item)

One size – $100.00 CAD

Medicine Wheel Teaching poster on Personal and Society De-colonization.

One size – $100.00 CAD


Other Traditional Teaching posters (Available by request – please email or call for more information)


1 Response to “Products”

  • Hello, Allan,
    I wanted to say thank you for the amazing work on the Canadian Historical Indigenous Timeline Poster. I received one from F.S.I.N. I recently started my first year in University at the U of S. It has been a big help in my Indigenous Studies class to see how everything happened after another, then to refer to my texts books to go more in depth. I find it very useful. Once again, thank you.


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